

Dependent variable

Population change

Population change as a relative number with logarithmic conversion, which is applied to obtain Gaussian distribution. Equation can be written:, where ∆PopRel is relative logarithmic population change, Pop2003 is the population of each cell in 2003 and Pop2009 in population in 2009.

Explanatory variables

Average age

Average age of inhabitants.

Academic education

Proportion of inhabitants with academic degree. Number of inhabitants over 18 years old with academic degree or higher vocational diploma divided by number of inhabitants with a lower level of education.

Average income

Average annual taxable income (€) of inhabitants aged over 18.

Employment rate

The share of employed labour force of inhabitants aged 15 - 74. Number of inhabitants who were gainfully employed during the last week of the year divided by the number of inhabitants in the whole age group.

Potential accessibility

Road network based potential accessibility of population. Fastest route travel times applied in computation. For larger resolutions than 2 km × 2 km population weighted averages are used.

Airport accessibility

Fastest route travel times by road network to the nearest airport in minutes. For larger resolutions than 2 km × 2 km, population weighted averages are used.

Population density

The total population of the cell is divided by the number of inhabited cells in the original data of 1 km × 1 km resolution.